Consistency In Sales Is The Holy Grail


We've already covered the importance of sales and sales skills for small businesses and business owners in previous posts. Now let's talk about the be-all and end-all goal when it comes to sales: consistency.

Small businesses usually lack the predictability and stability that larger businesses enjoy. Oftentimes, they have just one person in each role, or one person total: the owner themselves. Bad months, like losing a big account or getting fewer referrals than usual, will keep business owners up at night. What happens if you get sick? Or what if you lose a key team member?

None of these issues are in the owner's control.

This is why the holy grail of sales is to build a uniform process that predictably and consistently brings in new business. Building a "predictable sales machine" takes time, consistent focus, and patience. You will make mistakes and question your approach, but those early challenges do not mean you have failed. Over time, you will learn to refine your targeting and messaging while also getting a feel for what works for your prospects. Then, build a process around it. 

In future posts, we will give the "how-to guide" for getting started with outbound sales. Right now, focus on the concept of having that reliable sales machine to liberate you from the stresses of inconsistency. 

Don’t stay up all night worrying about things you can’t control. Instead, find a way to control your sales. Build your business by building consistency.