The True Cost Of Wearing Too Many Hats

Are you doing everything from payroll to sales to client services? 

If that sounds like you, you’re likely spread too thin. Your business won’t grow at the rate you want it to (or at all) and the stress may carry over into your home life. At some point, you need to ask yourself which tasks must be completed by you and which can be done by others.


Delegating can be intimidating. Allow a stranger to do the work that you’ve been handling for years? “No way!” Like anything else, start slow.

Start with work you can tie to revenue.

  1. Perhaps outsourcing lead generation to help book sales calls. Discovering a new stream of revenue will lift some uncertainty off of your shoulders.

  2. Try hiring an agency for marketing to gain new perspectives and ideas.

  3. Outsourcing can control costs and avoids the time and commitment of making a new hire. You’ll get more done without personally racking up the hours. Win!

It’s not just about relentlessly pursuing growth. You may just like having more free time and a solid, stable business that stresses you out less. 

Don’t get stuck under the heavy load of your company. Own your business and delegate smartly in order to succeed.