Be An Owner, Not A Task Master

Being a small business owner is one of the toughest balancing acts in business.

In many ways, you are the business. Clients choose your specific company because of you and your background. You do much of the work to keep the business running and you are responsible for the success of your team.

This means it's very easy to get in the habit of barking orders at your team to get things off your list. Sure, there are times when you need to be specific about what needs to get done, but is ordering your employees around really the most beneficial course of action?

To really succeed as an owner, you need to do more than manage; you need to lead.

Management is where you empower and teach your team to do the work at hand. Leading is where you decide what should be worked on in the first place (or the direction of the company). 

To lead effectively, you need the trust and support of your team. You want them to bolster your ideas, not roll their eyes when you give a "command." If you are a relentless taskmaster, sure things will get ticked off your todo list, but you'll leave little room to lead and inspire.

Delegate responsibly and empower your team to proactively support the company without needing your constant prodding. You might even find that success comes quicker.