Small Business Owners- Stop Trying To Be A Large Corporation

The business world is filled with posturing. 

Nowadays, with the media constantly glorifying powerful entrepreneurs who currently run massive empires, it’s easy to get the wrong idea. Oftentimes these images give a false expectation of what it means to be a business owner. And it can cause small business owners to try to be something they're not.

When you try to act like a Fortune 500 CEO, you lose touch with your business. You start to disconnect from the tactical side of your business. You begin to think you are "above" certain tasks. You say things like "let's revisit in Q1 of next year," as though you are a slow moving conglomerate. You start to forget what your company truly needs. And this is where your business can get away from you.

Small business owners need to have both hands on the wheel.

You need an open mind where you explore new opportunities, partnerships, and deals with enthusiasm. Branch out and charge forward with what’s best for your company in mind. No task should be too small for you to understand or take on.

You’ve created a successful business that deserves a practical yet determined leader. Don't be the CEO your company is not ready for. Be the CEO your company needs right now.