Never Rest On Success, Accelerate When Things Are Going Well

When business is going well as a small business owner, you feel great. You’re working hard and you have a steady stream of revenue coming in. You have a pep in your step and you forget about the dark days when business was slow. You tell yourself that the good times will keep going. So, what do you do when you feel this way?

When business is booming, remind yourself that it’s time to invest in growth!

The fact that you had a big month or two of referrals does not mean it will stay this way. If you've been in business long enough, you know that these times don't just keep going. Do you think that you'll invest in stability, growth, sales, and marketing when times are tough? No. And we all know how hard it is to climb out of those times. 

When the dopamine is flowing and revenue is coming in, run some tests and push yourself to the next level.  That way, your company is less likely to hit those rough patches where you aren’t growing and therefore aren’t gaining revenue. 

Don’t think you will invest when you are less busy. The time to invest is when you don't think that you need to. If you always keep your foot on the gas, you will be less likely to slow down.