Owners Beware... Of Complacency

It’s easy to get comfortable when your business is doing well. But if things have been consistent for a long time, your ears should go up. Many small business owners don't have partners. You alone are the one responsible for growth, innovation, and future proofing your business. You might not have a sounding board to bounce new ideas off of. And you can get stuck in your own focused world.

When business is steady for too long, you end up going through the motions and nothing more.

This is how you miss the trends and changes affecting your industry, which could take your company to the next level. Before you know it, your book of clients is eroding, your services are less relevant, and the challenge to catch-up is a burden.

Constantly treating complacency like the enemy by constantly pushing forward and innovating, even in small incremental ways, can help your business be healthy years down the line. Just like eating a healthy diet every day avoids the challenges of heavy dieting after putting on the pounds.

Don't be fooled by the consistency of your business today. It’s almost guaranteed to be rocked by something over the long term. Be sure to entertain new ideas and welcome change. Keep an open mind every single day. Read more, network, find people who are doing things differently, and speak to innovators in your network. Be inspired to expand your mind and your company.

Don’t let complacency run your business.