
Leverage Email to Retarget Old Leads

Leverage Email to Retarget Old Leads

In the online world today, you will find that most prospect that visits your website won’t make a purchase immediately.

Find Accurate Email Addresses Online

Find Accurate Email Addresses Online

In the business world, email has served as the perfect medium of communication. Whether it is with acquaintances, colleagues, or potential clients.

Every Business Should Send an Email Newsletter — Yes, Really

Every Business Should Send an Email Newsletter — Yes, Really

An email newsletter is about the oldest digital marketing trick in the book. But here’s the thing: it still works. That’s because people tend to check their emails multiple times a day. Yes, you should be advertising on social media.

Digital Marketing Tactics You Need to Use

Digital Marketing Tactics You Need to Use

As businesses expand into the digital space, the need and scope for digital marketing can’t be ignored. You will rarely find an effective marketing plan without the inclusion of digital marketing.

Pick A Niche for Quality SEO Content

Pick A Niche for Quality SEO Content

Most business owners make the mistake of wanting to be the best at everything when starting off. It takes them some time before they learn that it is nearly impossible to be the best at everything.

3 Tips for a Strong Influencer Marketing Strategy

3 Tips for a Strong Influencer Marketing Strategy

In a world where social media has taken over, influencer marketing is definitely a tactic that both B2C and B2B businesses should consider. In fact, 67% of digital marketers believe that influencer marketing is an effective medium that influences consumers decision to purchase a product or service.

How Retargeting Can Bolster Your Sales

How Retargeting Can Bolster Your Sales

You know what retargeting is. You’re thinking of buying a new TV, so you spend a little time online to check out the latest models and features.