Why You Must Have Live Chat on Your Website

It doesn’t matter the type of online business you own; consumers demand more convenience in the online space. Live chat is quickly becoming the best option to enhance your customer service and help your business drive sales. Here’s what you need to know.

Beat the competition.

When consumers shop online, they have multiple websites open at the same time in order to compare the varied options for the services or products they need. If they have questions about how your product or service compares to your competitors, do you want them asking the other guys for an explanation.

With a live chat option, customers can easily speak to your team while they are browsing your solutions. They don’t need to pick up the phone or send an email and wait for a response. With live chat, they can interact with someone immediately and get answers that will help guide them through the benefits of your offerings. 

Give customers what they want.

We’ve all stood in a store aisle, staring at the endless options on the shelves, wondering which one you need. Maybe you’ve even wandered the store looking for an employee, knowing the cashier was too far away and too busy to be able to help. If only there was a store associate standing in the aisle waiting to answer your questions.

Online shoppers are no different. They could search your website for a phone number, email address, or contact form, but they know the response will be delayed, cumbersome, and perhaps not all that helpful. Live chat is the virtual associate standing in the aisle. And according to Econsultancy, more customers opt for live chat over every other medium of communication when shopping online.

Bottom Line

Many businesses shy away from integrating live chat because they find it to be a complicated process. But with so much upside to live chat in terms of driving more business and improving customer satisfaction, there is simply no excuse for your business not to integrate it. It doesn’t matter if you sell a hundred products or just a few, give your customers the ease to get answers they need and improve your conversion with live chat.